Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If I Was a Fashion Victim... err... Fashionista!

I love to look at designer goods... but it's only because I can't afford them, boohoo!

Actually, if I diligently saved up a bit of my pay every month, I may be able to get one item annually. But by the time I can afford to buy what I love, it may go out of season and I'll have to aim for something else in season! What's a girl to do...

In honor of pretty things, here's my ode to all things pretty (and unattainable)!

1. An Hermes Scarf (courtesy of usa.hermes.com)

2. Jimmy Choo Lace Pumps - They're NOT made for walking!

3. The Kate Spade Owl Bag - So cute!

4. The Pucci Cancello Nylon Bag - so bright n colorful!

5. The Coach Legacy Alligator Pocket Bag - It's Effing hot!

So Much for promises...

I promised myself (and whomever is reading my blog!) that I would update daily, but I am so uninspired that it's difficult to spew anything here!Ah well...

At least I had a nice weekend.

I hadn't gone out in a while, and with my neck going spastic on me on Friday, I was afraid I almost couldn't go out with my girlfriends on Sunday for some RnR at KLCC. We had brunch (well, lunch really because we only met up at noon precisely) at Nando's followed by coffee and cake at Dome's.

It was surprisingly quiet when we got to Dome, as that is the vantage point to the park, and there weren't many people to watch - our primary reason for going to KLCC in the first place! Still, we got a table outside, where the smoking diners usually converged, but moved five minutes later thanks to some misbehaving brat who kept moving his around that it hit mine several times! Parents these days... they have no control over their bratty kids! Manners people, you're sorely lacking in them!

Anyways, conversation leaned towards an ex-friend we had in common who stabbed us all in the back, by telling tall tales that led to a huge misunderstanding that eventually saw the three of us get closer and her to lose three friends in the blink of an eye... great friends who had her welfare in mind but she never saw that... she was in such denial that she never admitted to her wrongdoings only that she regretted we found out! OMG!! Your loss, sister!

A bit of shopping and seven hours later, we parted ways and are hoping for one final catch up before the one of us has to go home to Australia, where she lives with her hubby and lil six-month-old bub.

I am SO looking forward to another one of these sundays... it's quite refreshing and certainly beats staying at home with EVERYONE wanting to rest up and not leaving the "nest"... too little privacy.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let's Start Over...

I tried, I really did... to keep my blog constantly updated. Well, who reads it anyway, I figure!
But I know I must, at the very least, continue to instill interest in people who are ACTUALLY reading what I have to say, ME! I have to discipline myself.
And so starting today, and everyday after, I simply must regal my fans with my daily tales - be they work, travel or travelling to work stories.
Sounds exciting so far right? :D
Except today (or technically Tues Apr 5) nothing exciting actually happened on my way to the office, except that I had like RM11 in my wallet and I was stuck in that God-awful traffic that led to the Tropicana Golf and Country Club, from Aman Suria... so concerned was I that I probably did not have enough cash on me to pay for my cab fare, I prayed all through those dreadful 20 minutes until I finally reached work, and thank God, I had about a buck plus to spare!
It's almost time to leave for home, and I'll be saying a prayer again for the first bus that will get me to the train station, where the next scheduled bus awaits to leave for Sunway, and from there, the bus to Klang.
Yes, it takes me four buses to get home for a total of 2 and a half hours. But I have no complaints when they're all on schedule.
On a good day like one of those, I'll be smiling all the way home and thanking God for working nights.