Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan 8: A dark, dark day in Malaysia's history

I was not prepared for the news that started coming in, about churches being burnt or were purportedly bombed, due to the reaction of certain ignorant parties in response to the High Court ruling that allows the Herald Catholic Weekly to use the word, "Allah".

I was in tears... in total shock as to what our country has come to, that we have to resort to violence in order to make our voices heard.

Then, I got mad! Only in Malaysia, do you have a government fighting for the exclusive right of Muslims to use a word to address their God. Is Allah the God of only the Muslims?

Where was I when the announcement was made that each faith worshipped a different God? Is there not ONE GOD? The same God that we all worship and pray to? We may have different names for Him, but He is the ONE and ONLY GOD.

And what's happened to a country that prides herself in being a home to many diverse ethnicities, cultures, religions and beliefs, but live together peacefully? Where was that tolerance and peace last Friday?

People, you need to educate yourselves!! That's what the internet is for!! Go find out the origins of the word, Allah! Go find out how long ancient civilisations have been addressing God as Allah!! Don't listen to ignorant rantings and finger-pointing unless you have your facts right!

If you don't, you will continue to lash out blindly, all because someone was playing batu api, by just jabbing you with lies, they can easily get you to do the crazy dance.

This explains the fear people have of things they are unfamiliar with or know nothing of.

Well, enough is enough! Arm yourselves with knowlege, for that is where you become powerful... when you are educated and informed, and then make your assessment based on fact, NOT fiction.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's a new year! How time flies...

Happy New Year! We're only five days into 2010, so it's not screwy to wish everyone.

What a year 2009 has been. I can't believe I travelled more than I would have imagined, in one year. Bangkok, Siem Reap, Bali... the only thing stopping me from always keeping my backpack unpacked is the lack of money to jetset. :)

Having said that, I haven't made many big plans for travel. There is the one to Perth coming up in March, and then where...?

I do have one big goal to achieve this year (you could call it a resolution as well), and that is to lose massive amounts of weight so I can play sports again.

I was the ultimate tomboy back in the day. Anything boys did - like play games or sports - I wanted in on it! There were no limits for me. I climbed trees and hills when I was a kid. I joined a mini marathon at 13 (though I didn't finish, naive to the fact that one trains for marathons, and I hadn't!) and tried out for the hockey, netball and basketball teams in school.

But after my knee injury, I gave up. Everytime I ran or jumped, it hurt and I never said anything to my parents, so nothing was done. And I slowly let myself go. Now, I'm a ball of fat! Well, I don't look like a ball, I do have curves, but still, the weight I'm carrying around isn't making life easier for my joints. And having gone on those holidays last year, they were too much for me, evidence of an unfit heart.

So I only have one resolution this year - to lose it. I'm about 35kgs overweight. I plan to lose 30kgs, and I plan to do it slowly. If calculations serve me correct, losing 1kg a week would see me losing my goal weight by July. Of course, that would be wishful thinking, as there are bound to be obstacles like hitting a plateau midway throught your workout, and falling off the wagon once in a while. Which is why I'm giving myself a whole year to do it.

While I work towards this goal, I'm busy reading my books from the big bad book sale in Nov 09. Crazy me, I'm in the midst of reading three books, alternating between them.