Friday, April 9, 2010

I found My Voice!

I found it! I found a way to show off my “nice”, “sweet”, “sexy” voice (as quoted by people I’ve spoken to) for the rest of… well, Malaysia, to hear.
There is actually a website that allows one who has a great voice to showcase her talent in the hopes of getting chosen for the next great, funny, one-of-a-kind radio commercial. Not only for radio though, there’s tv and IVR as well. I’m so thrilled that I found it.
I didn’t hesitate to sign up and wait to be contacted so that I can record a demo and pay up the annual fee as a “potential” member.
I may not make it as a radio announcer, but I’m confident once I put myself out there, I’ll get a gig. :D
Oh, and making some extra money wouldn’t hurt either!